In the present, busy world where no one has a minute to spare. Running by the horse shoes on from the clock striking 4 by the morning till the sun goes down and for a few late by the night people keep their life busy. Sometimes people even forget what they are doing or where they are.
It’s not just we who are getting up the pace but there is one more thing that has picked its pace and that is the various types of diseases. And here we are going to discuss about the “orthopedic”. This is the science of treating the deformation of the skeletal structure of the body and the misalignment of bones or in other words it is the diagnosis, treatment and management of musculoskeletal condition.
In the ancient time many European countries researched and worked on it. For instance the Egypt, the Greece Rome and many more countries.
As the time passed by the advancement in the modern technology has given a boost. The biggest gift the medical field got is the X-ray, robotics, use of AI and optimizing the treatment and process.
The X-ray has helped the doctors to detect where the defect is and to see whether there is an implant and is the injury too serious or not. (In this field we use a technical word as postoperative x-ray).
The other features that added a feather on the cap are discussed below:
Firstly the one that has the entire buzz about in the world “artificial intelligent”. As we know that slowly the medical sector is transforming from the post pandemic time. You may ask how AI working in this field?
Well, the AI is helping the doctor by giving those Data driven samples using different sample test and algorithm and charts and graphs. This is not just been used in this field but the young aspirant minded students and doctors are using in predicting diabetics in people and its stages, cancer and its stages and many more.
Secondly, the major problem that this field was facing was the time or precisely the recovery time. We know the bones do need time to recover. Still the time taken for this process was more than usual. But the technology has made the doctors analyze the period of recovery.
Other things that are used worldwide are 3D printing. 3D printing is methods mostly used in mechanically were we use repetitive layering one over the other. This method helps in building up any surgical tool which can be used in complex cases of surgery with great precision. This method is also useful in optimizing implant sizing.
Wearable technology is emerging as a game changer for this industry. Monitoring patient’s recovery is a crucial part of post-operation treatment. Sensors in wearable technology are helping doctors to assess the after effects of treatment with ease. Furthermore, data collected by these devices can help doctors analyze the time of recovery and accordingly tailor their medication for better results.
The microbiology and Nano biology is one more sub sector that has helped in growing the medical field.
The robots and robotic usage also is one more gift to this field from the technology. It would assist the doctors in doing less error and effectively.
The one doctor’s have recently in years started using digital monitoring and assistance and as we discussed before about AI with the help of monitoring would help in guiding many medical staff in working with a sync.
Lastly we have got great feet in the medical field with the help of science and technology. But technology still needs the help of humans and so we should go hand and hand for bight future
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